To Tatou Marautanga|Our Curriculum

Tawera Rural College

Rural College is a NCEA Unit Standard based course for students in Years 11 to 13. There is also a two-term taster course available in Year 10.



he Lincoln University Diploma in Agriculture course is available as a night-school option for adults and school leavers. A generous scholarship exists to fund this university study.

The Year 11 course is equally divided between practical and theory units, and covers such topics as Quad Bike and Motorbike Safety, Electric and Non-electric Fencing, Tractor Safety, Cattle and Sheep Identification and Attributes, and Cold Water Plumbing Systems, as well as several Horticulture options.

Students complete between five and seven days’ Work Experience arranged by the school and completed in school holiday periods. Students also attend whole-day farm visits where they undertake a wide variety of farm activities.

In Year 12, the focus is almost completely centred on Beef and Sheep Animal Husbandry and Dairy Farming, with further development of practical skills.

In Year 13, the emphasis is on preparation for further University study, and the topics taught are based on the requirements for the Diploma in Agriculture.